I did all the female voices for Castle Crashers! Check the favorites for flash I was in, and suzumiya-haruhi.net for my voice demos. *Yes, I played Meryl in Metal Gear Awesome.* Email me at DizzyAngelXX@gmail.c om if you need a female voice.

Age 37, Female

voice actress

Dream Land 64

Joined on 10/10/04

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Behind The Flash

Posted by Rina-chan - June 10th, 2008

Since so many people asked me about it, I'm just going to say it here. No, I'm not getting "butthurt"; I'm simply expressing how irritated I am at how so many people have to take something fun and lighthearted and always turn it into a ridiculous conspiracy theory.

I'm still doing the documentary. Don't get my wrong---I'm not out to waste people's time, so you can bet I'll produce that. It's just going to be its own project and not a Behind The Flash thing.

The reason I cancelled the actual podcast *for now* is because everyone turned it into a fucking conspiracy game instead of just simply TAKING IT FOR WHAT IT IS. "Rina only interviews her friends. Rina only interviews video game parody artists. Rina only interviews people she wants to do voices for. Everyone she interviewed is part of the popular Newgrounds clique." Etc etc etc. No one could simply accept the fact that it was just something I was doing as a fun experimental project and I didn't have any specific 'pattern' in mind when I selected the guests!

Yes, I got a lot of shit for Brawl Taunts. But I didn't care. Why, you ask? BECAUSE PEOPLE LIKED IT. IT MADE THEM LAUGH. IT ENTERTAINED THEM. And entertaining people makes me feel happy and warm and fuzzy inside. But with Behind The Flash, about 10% of the listeners really enjoyed this and the other 90% said that it was stupid/the guests were stupid/I was stupid/my questions were stupid. Not to mention an 18 page thread making fun of it over at another animation forum, and a rather douchebaggy comment from a certain animator about it the other day via Skype. As if that wasn't enough, my guest bailed out on me and all the other guests I had lined up ended up flaking out or were never available.

Normally, I deal with criticism like an adult and use it to work on bettering my projects, but when there isn't enough support behind something and it's more criticizing/bashing than people saying "Hey, I enjoyed this" it isn't worth it to me to wade through PMs, emails and forum threads talking about how stupid these interviews are. I just can't deal with it anymore, for now anyway.

Honestly, I love Newgrounds so much, so it really pains me to see that trying to do something nice and unique for the community only results people hurling insults back at me instead of ignoring it and going on about their daily lives. I think this AIM quote from a friend of mine summed it up pretty well:

AnimatingGerkin (12:45:48 AM): hurts me to see someone in the community thats actually TRYING to be pro-active give up


this is just like with viewtiful chris. people shouldent start bashing you oz your tryin to entertain

I can imagine the frustration you are feeling that there is so much bullshit going around about what you do.

But behind every successful person in a community, there is bound to be that one asshole that tries to smear it for their amusement. These buggers will do anything just to stir up a little controversy within a harmless project or the sorts. These people are the simple-minded dipshits that will do anything to make themselves feel more superior, especially with a successful person as yourself.

Many of these so-called "haters" are, in my prediction, nothing but prepubescent asswipes who's only real so-called voice is on Newgrounds, which is mostly negative in the first place. Those who actually have reached puberty share the mentality of the prepubescent. I wonder how many of them actually read your interviews...

But, case in point, when the going gets tough, never, and I mean NEVER give up on what you do best. You should stick to what makes you happy. You're doing an excellent job; don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

It's not just a few worthless assholes, though... it includes some prominent animators who I really looked up to and whose opinions I respected.

Ah, I've seen these situations many times. All I can say is you can't listen to what the bashers say and just do what you feel is right. If you think stopping your podcast is the right choice, np. Hey, you're gonna be a professional now, and things like this happen and are sometimes worse in the pro industry. All I can say is good luck and stuff. I'll always enjoy hearing ya flashes and movies and stuff. I said 'and stuff' in 2 sentences in a row, AWESOME. Ciao. Don't be down.

People will always judge the way you do things, even the most respected will share their judgments. Even though the comments may be disheartening to hear, you can't let that slow you down. As long as you think you are doing the right thing with your work, you will always become the successor.

Yes, but I also want people to enjoy my work.
If there are far more flames than there are people saying "hey, this is interesting" then I feel like my project failed and it's not a good idea.

With Brawl Taunts, for instance, even though it DID result in a lot of criticism from animators I look up to, at least a ton of people thought it was funny and it made their day so I feel like my goal was accomplished.

Personally I think you need to realize Newgrounds has been and will be like this forever. People will loudly state their opinion, sometimes in an offensive manner.

If an artist like.. lets say "Egoraptor" were to quit his series after a bunch of prominent animators and angry users abused his work, he wouldn't have got very far.. Would he? You just have to work for yourself, ignore your brutal surroundings if the opinions/suggestions/critic aren't beneficial to what you're trying to achieve.

In this kind of environment you need to develop a hard shell. It's the sad truth.

Though it's your project. If you're not getting any enjoyment out of it anymore, then give it a break.

It's entirely up to you. And as a friend I can say I'll support your decision if you believe it to be the right thing. Just come to understand that the harsh opinions will always be louder then the praise.

Best of luck! And I hope you do attempt the video doco at Comic-Con. That would be great fun.

But the difference would be that so many people overall LOVE his work that it would still be worth doing in the end. Same for Brawl Taunts as mentioned above. If the majority of people do like something and it entertains them, a job is done.

But BTF honestly had way more people who thought it was ridiculous or "a bad idea" than who got enjoyment out of it.

I think the fact that you're taking this so much to heart just goes to prove how much you care. I really love listening to your podcasts. When I recorded my segment for your next one, I got really excited - I wanted to be a part of it.

In the segment I sent you, I said that I thought there are some video game parody artists who do it for popularity. You aren't one of those people. You voice for any flash author that knocks your door. Whether the animator is "popular" or not. When I asked you to voice for me, you said a straight out "yes" and never even questioned it. I think it's obvious you care deeply for this site. It sucks that some authors whose opinions you hold in high regard would douche you out like that but I there's a ton of us that hold you in higher regard.

You're the first person to actually do an NG audio podcast. No hiatuses now!

Actually, there was an audio podcast before this run by a couple of kids. And it actually got promoted in an official NG news post... (which of course never happened with BTF even though pretty much everyone knew about it hahah)

Thank you for your kind words, though :D I will still be doing the documentary project.

Hey, keep your chin up, hold your head high!

Don't let these losers bring you down.

Sometimes people who go online and just flame everybody don't really realize what they're actually doing. To them it's just "Lol now she's gonna msg me back calling me a douchebag hahahahahaha" but they never realize it's truly like "Oh i just ruined the enthusiasm you once had about your own project and made you feel bad."

I mean honestly, even if i thought something was complete and total BULLSHIT, and srsly i mean like totally unbelieveable, i wouldn't start flaming the guy for it! Hell, anybody who knows me will know i'll jump in the same boat, and be his front man and take the shit for him myself.

I hate flamers with a passion. And i love people like you, as well as everybody else who posted here! That's what makes newgrounds worth while.

But keep in mind: don't put too much pressure on yourself. If this project was started solely for fun, then don't continue it if the point has been lost. But i can imagine that even though that may have been the intention, it probably evolved into something more important to you.

oh and by the way... i know i haven't actually spoken to you through newgrounds before but i think your voice acting is incredible! When i saw the brawl taunts, they just made my day. They were so good! And then i come here to find that you were also in metal gear awesome?! I love your work. So remember that for every guy who decides to flame, theres gonna be another one of us rooting you on :D

Best of luck!

put it this way
if everyone liked it, you would be doing something wrong

its impossible to satisfy everyone

use your head and do what you think is right, dont let it get to ya

I haven't listened to any of your interviews. That being said, i will say that sometimes you do a project that you love... and no one else does. It hurts, but it happens (its deffinately happened to me before). Just because you pour all your love into a project doesn't mean everyone will love it. It just sounds like newgrounds isn't ready for your idea right now...

I won't comment on the quality of your interview becuase i haven't heard them, but i hope you keep on lovin NG and come up with new additions to the community :)

Although I might be a stranger in the whole light of things in your particular works, I have seen many of your projects. Whether it's sound clips, or voices from you for flash projects, I've seen a lot of projects with credits towards you.

But to see someone as active and as contributing as yourself be as down as you are now seems a bit surprising. It's just that, you're letting people's thoughts affect you, and it just seems like you've been through so much already, that I would of assumed you would of gone passed the idea of being affected by other people's words. Yes, I know you've said that some of the people who said negative things about you were people that you well-respected, but if these people are the "well-respect" people that you categorize them to be, chances are, they gave you those comments for a reason. Think about it! They know how professionally you take voice acting to be, and they've seen your previous work, so obviously they know that you have the skills and knowledge to be awesome in the projects you do because after all, they wouldn't of hired you if they hadn't known about you and your criteria right? So why would they go so far as to try to hurt you through words? However, I am in no place to decide what person is right for you to think about or not, so I'll just go on ahead and say, just take things positively, regardless of how demeaning they might be.

Now unfortunately, since you did not post a link of this "Behind The Flash", I can't really comment about why people would dislike it or any sort of comment that can help you with that particular problem, but from the info that I'm getting from your news blog, it seems to me like there sure was a lot of people that didn't like it. However, you even said it yourself that you take criticism like an adult and use it to help your future projects, so why should something that "no one is giving support" to be any different? Just how much actual "support" do you really ever need to make something benefit you for the future? Isn't getting something 90% negativity allowing you to have an opportunity to better yourself by just as much? Even if it's 100% negativity, that just only means that you can just come out with something better by that much. Sure people will take it the wrong way sometimes, but you can't please the crowd in general perfectly. No one in the world can do that, and that's a fact. One of the great thing about Newgrounds is that there's never only one shot and that's that. You're allowed multiple tries. Who isn't titled to having more than one shot at something here on Newgrounds? You should know that better than the vast majority of the people on Newgrounds that "if at first you don't succeed, try and try again".

So you ran into a few snags with this project. It happens. Now, this is only me seeing only the mass successes you've had with your voicing career, but it seems to me like this might be one of those few times where one of your ideas doesn't go so well. THAT'S OK! Not everything goes according to plan, so you just have to (as one commentator said) "chin up" and press on. Well, I guess there really isn't any point in telling you to press on since you're actually going through with the project still, but just for future references, you should just continue to do what you like to do regardless of other people's opinions.

I really would hate to see one of Newgrounds' best, if not, best voice actress to leave simply because of the comments she received from a not-so-successful project. If it didn't work the first time, chances are, you'll figure out (if you put enough thought into it) a way to make it better and for the vast majority of Newgrounds to enjoy it. You've OBVIOUSLY done this kind of work before and it worked out most of the time, so what's stopping you from believing that you won't be able to do it again? Like you've posted in your news blog, you've cancelled the actual podcast for now (I hope you'll excuse my lack of knowledge on podcasts because some of the next sentences I say might be false) so that allows you to have more time to get the project more organized and put together in a better manner and possibly add different content or change your content as you please doesn't it?

Plus, even if this projects turns out to be a big bust, that doesn't mean you can't make another "Behind the flash" project with your experience from the criticism you took on the first one. I, personally think it's a great idea that you're turning interviews with flash artists into a project, and I'd love to see more of it if you ever so desire to continue it, but that's only my opinion, and I can't speak for the rest.

So, all in all, it's up to you. I'm thinking that you'll probably prevail over this problem seeing as how you've contributed so much to Newgrounds. Just to help out, I'll be looking forward to the podcast with great anticipation, and if you don't see a review from me to it, then yell at me through the private messages, and I'll hop onto it as fast as I can.

- Nondo

*Phew, it's been awhile since I've made a comment this long, but hey, it's nothing compared to the entertainment that you've given us so far. ^_^ Good luck. I'm sure you'll find out the best possible way to make this project go its best if you put your mind into it*

I just finished listening to your interview with EgoRaptor...

I downloaded last week, I finally had time to finish listening to it.

You know...you asks a lot of really good questions! Like you've done professional interviews before!

And I'm touched by how humble he was. Not to mention such a great sense of humor coming from both of you.

Well...I won't make this lengthy, just wanted to say I enjoyed listening to both of you talk.

I might just see Speed Racer. His opinions about the fill are very insightful.


I know your frustrated, but your better than these guys. Don't let them drag you down...here in hawaii, we have saying...

No get all Hoo-Hoo, about all kind stuff. Let it wash away like the ocean.


I really appreciate all the hard work you put into entertaining the good folks of Newgrounds. Your free to stop and quit anytime you wish. It's hard sometimes, fans keep pressing you, giving you advice, wanting you to do your scripts, phhht...it's all just vanity.

I appreciate the fact that you made something that I will remember for years to come. Comming from me...you don't have to worry weather or not you disappoint me as a fan. I respect all artist and what they choose to do. Cause art...is freedom!

Cause your an artist. You express yourself...and that's all that really matters.

And whatever you decided to do or not do is something I will appreciate too.

Believe it or not Bug, she's talking about Wonchop!.. You're yesterdays news.


Don't listen to those assholes. If you're doing something you love and it's for the sake of the NG community, then just do it despite what other people think. For every project there will always be people that love it and people that hate it. As a flash author I have to deal with this, a lot. It's almost impossible to please everyone.

They're only a bunch of n00bish rants from people who don't really understand how much a project or an idea really means to the person who made it. If they hate it, then it's their fucking loss. Users may hate you in another flash site, but at least you have our support here in NG, that's what really matters. Do it for us, NOT for them. Cheer up, this is normal in the internet. Those flamers can just fuck off.

I personally enjoyed the interviews, Egoraptor's being the best one even though it dragged for a while and he got carried away about Speed Racer and stuff. It was fun none the less.

Apart from that, I'm still interested in helping you out with the podcast (if you're really going to continue with it ) . I want to do this for the people who ARE interested in listening to another author's opinions and experiences with flash. I've been busy with a lot of personal stuff lately, but I'll find the time to participate in your podcast. Just let me know.

Best of luck and don't let them affect you.

Youre not alone. I love NG too. But, thats how things are always gonna be no matter how much you try to be different from all the criticism. They always got something to bitch about.

Anyways have fun and dont let them get to ya. Like you said, just deal with them like an adult. And good luck with your interviews Rina.

Reading this made me have doubts. I have been trying to get into flash myself, i just have so many ideas, that i can't portray on paper, but after i see that so many flash artists are being so stressed out over these people being assholes over anything that the animators put out. I have enough stress in life now as it is..

Well i am sorry that all the BS has gotten to you.. i feel if your submissions are good in your eyes, then that should make it a success, even if only a few people like it. I mean even it entertains only one person, it still entertained, which is the goal you want to reach. This is life you can't make everyone happy, if you try your going to waste alot of time trying to.

Well overall i'm trying to say; If you are pleased with your work and people try and say it's bad.. ask why, alot of people won't even have a legitimate reason, they're hating it to be mean.

When the crap gets ya down, don't forget that I'll always be your fan!

Even if it doesn't mean much to you, i'll still be around to give MY support :D!

Unless someone shoots me or something..

Even prominent animators were hatin'? Maybe they saw you rollin'. Possibly, ridin' dirty?

I really enjoy your Behind The Flash site and your voice talent!

P.S. Yikes, seeing your post times, you might wanna get some sleep!

What? Did my comments contribute to this?
I think everyone on Newgrounds takes me way too seriously.
I'm pretty lighthearted. I'm not a mean soul-devouring monster whose every word is meant to rip out your heart.
Most of the stuff I say has little weight behind it. When I'm genuinely serious, I'm very analytical and critical, but very civil about it. When I make outrageous remarks, I'm usually just poking fun.
And my parody was simply a parody; I wasn't saying "Behind the Flash" should be shut down because Rina interviews video game parody artists. I thought I specified that I was just having fun with that.

Anyway, as for this decision, I think by closing shop you're basically proving those who say "Rina does things for the attention and popularity alone" quite right.
After all, you're shutting something down because only 10% liked it and 90% didn't.
Someone who was truly doing something they enjoyed would make it regardless of public reaction.
I guess it's too late to turn back on your decision, but this really sets in stone for all the detractors that you're all in for the fame in whatever you do.
It was kind of a bad move.

Also, to Ross' comment about Egoraptor not giving up after a few popular artists criticized him, I'm pretty sure had his animations started getting low scores and only a small number of people actually enjoyed them, he would've quit or tried something else.
As Rina said, he is and always has been getting massive worship from millions, including many "popular flash artists". So I really don't think he's one to use as an example for resisting the resistance.

"Artists" like LogoPresents go crazy making work as long as it's glorified. The moment the crowds turn against them and they have very few people behind them, they cave in and leave. They quit.
And I'm pretty sure it's the same with most animators around here.

It's easy for guys like Egoraptor to put up with a few complaints when they can just bathe in fanboy praise every moment.

Whereas guys like Zekey have pushed themselves to prominence and continue to create awesome works despite a constant flow of negative reactions and opinions that far outweighs the little glory they get.
And through it all they never give in to contradicting themselves and creating something they know the audience will glorify because it appeals to their primal tastes despite being creatively insignificant.
It's guys who keep producing despite large amounts of resistance who really deserve my respect.

===To get to the important part of this post:===

So, Rina, next time you set to something, and it's something you genuinely enjoy and arn't doing for attention or popularity (and you really believe that), keep going, even if people are accusing you of crap (if you know they're not true, just ignore it).
Recently, I've gotten tons of crap about the large number of collabs I've done in the past while. People say I "can't become popular on my own so I have to rely on the works of others to get success". This is total bull, and I know it. The collabs arn't actually that numerous at all (I've been recently cleaning out my old flash documents as part of a New Years resolution, and I've decided to get all the projects that involve others done first so that no one expects anything and non one else's work goes to waste). And my work can stand on its own; I don't require others. I just haven't had much time for large solo pieces recently because of lots of stuff in my personal life (though, admittedly, I do waste lots of time on pointless stuff- like writing this massive comment right here).

Keep going. Ignore the haters and the fanboys. First priority in your decisions on what you do should go to your inner artist. Second priority should go to those you know who really appreciate your work (and aren't just either sucking up to someone well known or just waiting for the next video game reference).

Also, am I the only one who notes the irony in Wonchop making fun of someone else on the internet for... well, for just about anything?

You should of been around NG long enough to know everyone just complains about EVERYTHING

Oh, I know that by now being a voice actress here for as long as I have.
But this time there was a lot of stuff contributing to my decision.

It's silly to give up on something because the majority of the internet doesn't appreciate it. If 10% likes it, keep doing it for that 10%. If 10% of the Newgrounds population likes something and 90% doesn't, you're infamous. If 90% of the Newgrounds population likes something and 10% doesn't, you're probably a furfag.

Besides, wonchop??? Really???? You are letting this furfag affect you AT ALL: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgvUpBYK4Mw">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgvUpB YK4Mw</a> Wonchop is like one of the most overrated pieces of shit in the universe. He's trying to be like legendary frog or something, except he's failing at doing even that, making failure sonic collabs, and prancing around in animal suits, each one with a bigger dick hole than the last.

Also, the 18-page thread on the planet's loveliest forum (<a href="http://www.thebackalleys.com/forum/">http://www.thebackalleys.com/forum/</a>) was more like a love letter than an omen of death. Don't let the few douchebags stop you from doing what you want to do. fgshgf

I'm going to make you interview me in a couple of weeks regardless of whether or not you continue the podcast on a regular basis.

Never give up, trust your instincts. Press Z or R twice.

You just made my day. XD

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