I did all the female voices for Castle Crashers! Check the favorites for flash I was in, and suzumiya-haruhi.net for my voice demos. *Yes, I played Meryl in Metal Gear Awesome.* Email me at DizzyAngelXX@gmail.c om if you need a female voice.

Age 37, Female

voice actress

Dream Land 64

Joined on 10/10/04

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aww man this really bums me out. you shouldnt listen to the 13 year olds that have no lifes except the ones they make up in their computer chair. (not all 13 year olds are bad mind you.) you have created something great. amazing even. there will always be bad feedback.
and even though theres more "haters" you gotta think about the people who listen and love what you do, they will stick by you no matter what. i think that BTF has a cult following already. and that is way better than being mainstream. i mean think about all the shows that have aired, got canceled and are now the most popular underground sensation.

family guy, invader zim, futurama.. hell even simpsons had it rough in the begining.
and then theres the cult movies... and books. (where the wild things are...ROCK)

even if the audience who listens to your podcats doesnt have a bigger voice than the ones who bash it, its growing.
i stumbled opon BTF a few days ago, and listen to every single one of your podcast that night. i thought it was a fantastic idea.
ive already told a dozen buddies who do flash and watch flash on newgrounds about it. and im sure the people who have listen before me has done the same. so your audience is growing.

and plus... its your thing! ask what you want, interview who you want. for the people who say "you only interview the well known animators..." fuck em. they need to get off their asses, animate and get known, pay there dues! you dont see fucking rolling stones interviewing some damn garage band from bumble fuck nowhere.
god people suck. haha

atleast youre doing something for the community, unlike these fucking shitheads who sit at theyre computer all day in the forums bashing and talking shit about people who could probably kick theyre ass if they ever met them.

most of the people who diss you are the people who dont do anything for newgrounds. dont contribute anything but stupidity.

but the lot of us who do support you, and look foward to your return, will miss BTF. and its the same people who will be there when it comes back.


As many people have said, the decision on what to do next is in your hands.

Fact of the matter is, it's very clear that what you're trying to do is something that you enjoy as well as something that other people can enjoy, too.

After things like Brawl Taunts and the dozens of other things you've done, like the AJ/PW radio plays, you have no reason not to do something like a podcast series if it's something you enjoy.

However, I think the problem lies in the fact that you didn't take one thing into consideration, and that's what I've been talking about in my podcast contribution: things like Brawl Taunts and your radio plays appeal to completely different people as opposed to your podcast segments, but it sounds like you were trying to make these things for the same people.

On the one hand, your radio plays and Brawl Taunts are fast, quirky, satirical takes on popular material that is specifically meant for laughs.

However, Behind the Flash is something completely different. It's a podcast meant for people that want to get to know certain Flash artists better. It very rarely leads into something like Brawl Taunts that is meant for humor.

And I think that's what went wrong. You essentially jumped from one train heading in one direction and onto another leading somewhere completely different, hoping that it will take you to the same location.

There's no doubt that there are people that enjoy Behind The Flash. I know I did. But that's because I'm someone that, occasionally, is willing to try out something different.

However, going from things like Brawl Taunts and your radio plays to something more subtle won't attract the same audience as it did before. That has the exact same chances as, say, Egoraptor making the first MGA, but then going into something a lot more art-driven and story-based.

I mean, maybe I'm just rambling here. Perhaps you weren't trying to appeal to the exact same group of people with Behind The Flash. I don't know that for sure. If I'm wrong, please correct me.

But assuming that I am right, it should be known by now that you would've gotten a ton of flack regardless of what you've done. People like Egoraptor, Tomamoto, and yourself are very well recognized here on this site. The only problem with this factor is that you're bound to have a bunch of cliques that have nothing better to do with their time between days at middle school than to hate on people they don't even know.

And that's the final key factor, if my previous rambling is correct, as to why there appears to be a huge gap between people who liked BTF and those who didn't. Just like Ego and Toma, you're bound to get flack no matter what you do, and that's why you should do what Ross said and develop a hard shell.

It happens everywhere, and that's why I'm telling you to do so as well. Just to use an example perhaps everyone here can understand, this kind of gap can happen even in the videogame world. Do you think that, for example, every single Nintendo fan was happy when the company announced a new IP called Pikmen, a game about a fat space midget that goes around picking little plant people? I bet Sony and Microsoft fanboys had a field day on that one, as well. That could be directly applied to Behind The Flash, right?


I know I'm throwing a lot at you, but let me illustrate it like this: there's nothing wrong with doing something different, and that's exactly what Behind The Flash is. However, you should have anticipated that the results for something different would be different as well. It's natural, and should be treated as such.

Remember when the two of us used to talk about stepping away from Gamer Kids and trying to do something a lot more story-based and serious? There was no way in hell that I'd think that doing so would appeal to the same group of people that liked Gamer Kids.

All in all, again, perhaps I'm just rambling, but you should have expected a different result for a project as different as Behind The Flash. There were bound to be people that would like it, but they weren't going to be the same people who enjoyed things like Brawl Taunts.

But whatever it is that you choose to do, I'll support it.

"Rina only interviews her friends. Rina only interviews video game parody artists. Rina only interviews people she wants to do voices for. Everyone she interviewed is part of the popular Newgrounds clique."

Rina should interview whoever the hell she wants. Of course some people will start complaining about bullshit but that´s what will always be the case if something you do reaches a large audience. Screw all those retards and keep enjoying what you´re doing. There are plenty of people out there who enjoy it and who will keep listening to Behind the Flash regardless of who is being interviewed.

For what it's worth, I really liked those interviews. I can't compete with all these really long freakin replies so I'm just gonna say it was good and please don't stop making them.

How about you animated the interviews? Like there's a studio and you've brought them there. The problem would be that the interviews get kind of long, but the animation could be minimalist like in Snake's codec conversations or something. It might make it more interesting, or at least make it so you can put it on the portal. Just a thought.

I wish, but I actually can't draw or animate at all. The flashes credited to my name are ones I helped out with as a writer/producer.

I remember the first time I saw the Brawl Taunts I laughed a lot, then looked for the second part and realized what you were doing was very good, I liked your voice a lot in that flash, that's what made me create an account in NG,but, that's not all, I started searching info about you, so then I found the podcast and told myself it was a very good idea hearing experiences of other artists and at the same time your voice, I liked it so much I subscribed in iTunes and decided to make a cover art in photoshop so I could give it to you .

Now well as a fan of your work I'm really angry, this things happen a lot in large communities, I've seen many cases in which people do something for fun, but when it becomes relatively popular, the community starts to taking it too serious, and by consequence if they don't like something the bashing, flaming, negative criticism arise.
I hope all of this "hate" comments diminish, because maybe they won't stop, there will always be people trying to put obstacles to your work, and you know it's not bad if you don't like something, the bad thing is when you make fun of it.

It's difficult to ignore bad comments and worst when its from a considerable number of people, but you'll always have your fans with you, hopefully you will continue doing what you like.

i feel like there's nuthin left to say everyone else beat me to it ^^;
i support you and just for you to know i LOVED those podcasts they really opened my eyes on a lot of topics especially Kirbo's and Ego's
i hope you get through this slump and i look forward to your documentary ^^
try and relax ^^;

go see speed racer its like drugs you go in normal and come out high sure cheered me up

Great voice acting! *Claps*

That's a shame. I was wondering why there hadn't been any new interviews for a while. The BTF parody, although light-hearted and friendly, might have given the petty complainers some invalid points to jump on and use. If only they could form their own opinions or just take the podcast for what it was, huh?

I thought Behind The Flash was pretty cool, even inspiring at times. It's surprising you've had so much negative feedback (if it could be called feedback). What was it that Wonchop said that bugged you? He tends to make snide remarks about people's work on the P-Bot posts as well. I'm sorry to hear that some animators you respected turned their noses up at your project.

Hopefully, the people who seem to hate BTF so much will find something else to complain about, leaving you to consider getting back to doing some more interviews. Do so in your own time if you choose to go back to the project. It's good you spoke up about this in any case. That's one of the reasons I enjoy Behind The Flash - it's laid-back and you don't bite your tongue over things that bother you. Both the interviewer and interviewee get their say!

So, which animators were lined up for the next few podcasts? Who pulled out?

KagomeHigurashi responds:

I would do anything to voice for Peach in an actual game! Too bad Nintendo seems to mostly use random people from Seattle D:

The answer is clear. You must go to Seattle. And force Nintendo to recognize your awesomeness, and the fact that you are, in fact, a woman, something that I think they've overlooked in the past, oh, 8 or so Mario Party games, plus any voice acting done after Mario 64. x.x

*sigh* I'm really sorry that, unfortunately, a large majority of the world has turned into this massive douchebaggery. Honestly, I want to find out more about this "Behind the Flash" project you're working on, as I'd become interested in your work ever since being introduced to Metal Gear Awesome by a friend, and I realized just how many parts you'd actually been in. o.o

It's unfortunate that you have to wade through so much shit just to find the satisfaction that you've entertained a margin of people who have viewed your projects...I can really understand the frustration you're dealing with. But, buck up...where there's a mountain of shit, there's bound to be a few nuggets of gold. Those nuggets are the people supporting you and your endeavors, and the work you painstakingly provide to make some of us laugh our asses off, or simply just entertain us for hours on end. I know I don't amount to much, but you can count me in as one of your die-hard supporters.

On a side note, I also admit to having e-mailed you a few times about being my inspiration for voice-acting...I finally got myself a mic, now I just need to figure out how to go about working it. x3

Here's to you, and the realization that those people who bash your work are, as a whole, a bunch of egotistical retards who gather on the internet to flame anything and anyone in order to justify their lackluster existences.

It'll get better. I promise. :3

I really enjoyed Behind The Flash and thought it was an original idea to entertain the people of Newgrounds, and it saddens me that a great show like Behind The Flash is cancelled just because people doesn't accept the people the creator of the show choses for her interviews. I hope the show will be back up soon and you will feel better soon. Good luck with future projects and ideas.


you know, i agree with Ross. You have to be tough in this enviorment if you want to survive. So what you might want to do is just ignore those people as if they were just rocks that could type...or not so much i'm sure about the typing part

RandomHaterOfBrawl sayz:

wyhs u hatesd brwl so mcuh?

im sure thats the normal hater mail eh?

Oh, idiotic hate mails like that don't bother me at all. But when prominent artists in the flash community continually emphasized what a "bad idea" these podcasts were, it eventually really did get to me.

I downloaded the egoraptor podcast a couple hours ago and I thought it was pretty good, though it got a bit lost half way through but then I thought that just added to its' greatness. I will get round to the other interviews at some point and hope they are just as good.

Do what you must, but make sure its what you want and not what others want.

Did you enjoy Behind the Flash? Yeah, you did. So do it. And screw the rest. Afterall, you've received critique about voice acting too, haven't you? And you're definitely not stopping that - you know you're talented and so does everyone else.

Do what you enjoy. It's just a podcast, something fun, something enjoyable. Whether or not everyone listens or critiques isn't important. People will listen and take something from it. The animator will feel good, you and your listeners will be learning - you're only losing something if you stop it.

Most of the listeners I had, were people who listened to it just to have fodder to mock.

Zetsubo shita..... T__T

Screw the 90%, I love Behind The Flash. I hope you resume the podcast, the interviews really made me laugh. As long as you like doing it, just do it. (Quoted from Egoraptor :D)

As someone who has recently become a fan of your work on newgrounds, and as someone doesn't usually listen to podcasts, I really enjoyed your interview with Egoraptor. So much in fact that I was actually looking foward to the next one. It's such a shame you had to cancel it, but if that's what you wanna do, then I won't stop you.

With that said, don't let these bashers, haters, and others like them get you down like that. Just keep doing what you love to do, and you'll be fine. I know it can be hard sometimes, but just keep at it.

It's sort of like with what's going on with the game "Beyond Good & Evil." It was a great game, even though it was a commercial flop but that apparently didn't stop the developers from working on a sequel. (okay, maybe this isn't exactly like BG&E, but I hope understand what I'm trying to say)

I don't know if it will cheer you up, but I'm gonna check out your other podcasts, and should you decide to bring back BTF, then that would be great.

I'll continue to look foward to your future works, especially that documentary of yours and the parody rangers movie, so shine on you crazy diamond, shine on.

(Parody rangers isn't actually my movie, it's Kirb's.. XD)

I am behind you on this The two Brawl Taunts movies made me laugh and I'll be damned if I see a good VA and Writer be flamed like this again. I am sure you have heard this already but I am saying it anyway. There are people here on your side. I being one of them. Though I am sure that brings little comfort I just thought I should help out a little. All the best Rina.

Everyone's right, just forget an ignore those idiots who had nothing better to do than to try and insult you. If they're putting that much effort into meaningless internet insults then it just proves how terribly lacking their lives are. You have so many fans of your work, and I'm with them, you're amazing at what you do, I don't think there's any other way to put it. I listened to the podcasts that you did, and though I don't usually listen to podcasts in general, I thoroughly enjoyed the ones you did. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if you have a lot more fans than it looks like, it's just easier for the bashers to make their annoying opinions known that it looks like there's more of them. I, like many hope that they don't get you too down and that you'll ignore them to keep doing what you love to do. I really look forward to your future projects as I honestly think you're very, very talented Rina and hope that the support from comments like these help ya feel just a bit better.

They do, thank you.

Chill out abit, Kagome. Don't take things too hard on yourself. If you like what you do I don't see the problem to keep doing it even if many people don't enjoy what you did as well. And seeing tons of people actually reply in some huge paragraphs I gotta say they actually do care.

But, it's your call whether you want to continue the podcast or not! No one can force you, ya know.

No way, I think you had more listeners than you think. And besides, like a lot of people are saying, who cares? Do what you enjoy.

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