I can imagine the frustration you are feeling that there is so much bullshit going around about what you do.
But behind every successful person in a community, there is bound to be that one asshole that tries to smear it for their amusement. These buggers will do anything just to stir up a little controversy within a harmless project or the sorts. These people are the simple-minded dipshits that will do anything to make themselves feel more superior, especially with a successful person as yourself.
Many of these so-called "haters" are, in my prediction, nothing but prepubescent asswipes who's only real so-called voice is on Newgrounds, which is mostly negative in the first place. Those who actually have reached puberty share the mentality of the prepubescent. I wonder how many of them actually read your interviews...
But, case in point, when the going gets tough, never, and I mean NEVER give up on what you do best. You should stick to what makes you happy. You're doing an excellent job; don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
this is just like with viewtiful chris. people shouldent start bashing you oz your tryin to entertain