It's time for a new demo. I got this one professionally recorded at a studio, so my recording quality at home isn't quite this level but still pretty clear.
If you're interested in having me read or audition for a part in your flash, please send me an e-mail at with some information on your project and the character you'd like me to voice (picture/voice descriptions are awesome!) It's a much better idea to email me instead of PMing me here, because if you send me a PM I probably won't get it for an eternity ;P
I'm always interested in trying new things and would like to try some roles that challenge me <3
awesome new demo! - such a huge range of characters - - EFZ is about 70% done : ) in case you care! in the next episode i was going to have you pick up a second character if you were cool with it - so hopefully i can challenge ya with that!