I did all the female voices for Castle Crashers! Check the favorites for flash I was in, and suzumiya-haruhi.net for my voice demos. *Yes, I played Meryl in Metal Gear Awesome.* Email me at DizzyAngelXX@gmail.c om if you need a female voice.

Age 37, Female

voice actress

Dream Land 64

Joined on 10/10/04

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Honestly, all of the things you're addressing are just those stereotypical misunderstandings that happen to everyone in the world. It's big of you, and considerate of you, to spend time writing this, regardless. If anyone wants to continue getting on your case after this for the issues addressed, then I think they'll just have to deal with it.

The other major thing is that a lot of people haven't had the additional benefit of knowing you in person or as a HUMAN BEING and not just an online entity or voice. I'll admit that I had some fears and some thoughts before I ran into you at Anime Expo 2009, but my time with you was nothing short of absolutely enjoyable and I could easily tell that you're just a hard working girl who has not enough time and too many people to cater to at times.

Like Kirbopher said, what happens from here is based on the attitudes and behaviors of the people who decide to (or not to) read this, but I know so many other people who actually DO embody the persona you think others hold about you, so don't let it worry you anywhere near the level it seems to have been.

Your tweets are always so depressing. Chin up love!

Rina, I've been in love with your voice for a long time :) I always see you on facebook , on your site, here on NG. Your one of the most dedicated, passionate person I have ever seen or heard. I do wish to meet you one day, I'm 5 hours away from LA but if I ever find myself out there. At a convention or something, I will look for ya ;) So I can say hi, and thank you for all the hours of entertainment.

Your voice is what made a lot of animations and projects fantastic! Your very committed and if you weren't committed you wouldn't have an epic resume, you wouldn't have such a great, pro voice talent and you'd have all the time to write to us. Commitment owns all. I'd rather have fun then to do something cause people like it even if I didn't. And thats what you do, you have fun but stay professional and dedicated beyond expectations.

I wish you the best in your future Rina! If you ever need help, like a website (I'm a web designer/manager) Just PM me here :) Other then that, keep doing what your doing cause your going to change a big part of the voice acting world! You deserve to be in big movies I swear! Your voice, to me at least, I would love to see in many blockbuster hits and anime. Some voice actresses do it cause they believe or know they're good. You don't do it for that, and I respect you even more because of what you accomplished and what you will accomplish!

Sorry if I sound like an asskisser, but you know what? In this case, so be it! I love your dedication, your voice, I watch a ton of projects on NG and sometimes I go "Is that Rina Chan?" then I look at the credits and im like OH YEAH IT IS! haha.

Keep at it girl, never give up, and don't listen to the haters. People hate because they can't do the same, or they're not successful and thats because they lack a lot of things like committing to something and enjoying it. Take care Rina! This is Panda from VAC and CpmStudios Machinima production. Hope all is well and good luck!!

Your fanboy,


Thank you! I sadly don't live in LA anymore, so my pro career has to go on hold at the moment, but I hope that within the next two years I will be able to move back there and try to get into anime and games again.

I like your response. If I was in the same position, my inner troll would have taken over and said "lol, damn straight"

Its good to see that you stop and doublecheck to make sure that you aren't. The antagonist, and I hope to see you at AI sometime in late 2011.

hataz gonna hate

and hattaz gonna hat

So do hataz wear hatz? :P

im sorry peeps gotta hate like that- you were very respectful and timely about my project! (even tho it was about taco sex haha)

Haha! See, that's the thing. People assume if their project is too strange or out there then I won't do it, but that's not the case---I LOVE voice acting for interesting and unique projects. It's more the "Hi, I have no idea what I want, but here's 75 lines to record by next Monday in a generic woman voice" that just don't seem quite as exciting.

Let's face it: there's ALWAYS going to be two sides to everything. You're no different. Now as for dealing with trolls and the like. either ignore them or counter their moves. Some people get relentless at times.
Also, don't worry too much about replying to messages and stuff. Sometimes, if the message is a complementary one, knowing that people appreciate what you do is good enough. But a little "Thank you" reply every so often won't hurt.
To the topic of instant messenger services... well... you don't have to get one. But if you hypothetically change your mind, just bear in mind that time can be flexible, if need be. Deadlines are important, I know, but a little reasoning can benefit a lot.
And always keep in mind that if you have to deal with inexperienced people, just give some advice on producing instead of accepting the edited script(s). Trust me, it'll help if you just gently nudge them in the right direction.

Now, after that long-winded speech, I could go for some good ol' fashioned cola, since New Ne' Fashioned is unholy.

Don't listen to those morons, I sent a message once to her once about a voice acting thing she was not rude in her reply, not at all, infact she is probably one of the most nicest people on earth, keep it up Rina. Rakan~

People only think you're arrogant because you won't voice act for a flash they'll never make.

Haha yep, this is a big thing too. =( I regret the fact that I have to be more careful but it's just that I've had SO many people waste my time by having me record huge batches of lines for a project that they never bothered to finish. If it were three lines I wouldn't even care, but I've had projects where I put hours into doing and redoing the lines, and then they end up recasting me because "their friend wants to hear their voice in a project." I suppose I can be a little harsh in my replies when something like that happens, but it just feels like sometimes people have no concept of the fact that I put in hours of time, FOR FREE, to give them what they said they wanted for their project and then they decide they want something else. It's frustrating. Sure, recasting happens in the pro world too, but at least then you still get paid for the hours you put in recording for it.

I've also turned down people who said things like "I don't know how to animate yet, but I'm looking for someone to help me." Or more like told them to contact me once they got everything figured out with the animation, because it makes no sense to have voice actors record lines if you don't even know how to animate or have someone lined up to animate for you.

People can be rude most of the time, but just ignore it or either accept it for example someone calls you something bad just replied back to them "thanks for the complement" without even listening to them or reading there message.

Whoever spreaded those nasty rumors about you, is just really immature. Honestly, people these days just don't understand and they are in no position to guilt trip you, or bash on you like that. They don't know what you do in real life, so who are they to point fingers and talk all that shit? There are some people who will just put peoples words or actions way out of context (I've been a victim of that, so many times) and label them as so and so, and make that said person look like the bad guy. And that's not cool at all. But then again, don't let what those fools say about you, get the best of you.

Basically what I'm just trying to say is, and I'm going to sound like most people here, forget all those haters! Don't listen to them! They don't dictate your life...you do. But yeah, I understand where you're coming from. You're still cool in my book and you're a very nice person, no matter what people might say about you. And as usual, I wish you nothing but the best of luck in your future road as a continuing professional voice actress, and you still got the support of your friends and fans, including myself. Good luck with everything else in life. And don't let anybody bring you down. =)

- Ryuta-kun: Ryutaros Imagin

Oh Kira. You're trying to win an uphill battle versus people who will do anything for a reaction.

Possibly. But I decided to give some people the benefit of the doubt.

Wow thank god im not one of those offended types. Honestly if I was I would be making rude comments. But no way in heck i'm doin that. You are just good at what you do and thats fine :) Also I agree with Kirb that they just have to deal with it.

I wonder what it will be like to voice act after grade 12 when i find a way out of Canada?

haha You're no Tiger Woods, but this entry is very considerate of you. I happened to be one of the ones you have ignored when I had PMed you regarding my comic, and guess what? ITS OKAY! :D I completely understand what you going through and I knew this the whole time, Everyone have a life to live even those you doesn't make much of it. Hate mail, amateur client/producer harassments, spammers, trolls..of the that is to be expected from the public area. Hell, I even deal with them myself for being a artist or get it worse if anything.
So please don't feel the need to apologize for living your OWN life, really. Its okay.^_^ If fact, I'm really glad you telling everyone this not as an apology though, it should be more of a reminder of some sort. Also for the record, I've already added you on the comic. The Newgrounds battle episode, you're in it!

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/themanofsteal13/omar-du-more-issue-15-page-3">http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/th emanofsteal13/omar-du-more-issue-15-p age-3</a>
Keep pushing on Rina, keep striving, and don't let anyone take you down.

Yeah don't let anyone take you down. Just don't kill me.

Seems like the typical popularity issue.

So you had fans and ...haters, minus some of your fans, and we're left with your true fans and ...haters. Good luck trying to annoy us cuz' it'll be a cold day in the earth's core before that'll happen.

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